Q: What is a final denial barrier?
A: Final denial barriers are physical barriers placed at the last point in a physical security plan where it’s possible to stop a gate runner or other facility breach. Final denial barriers might include tire shredders, bollards, wedge barriers, drop arms or beams that are crash rated and designed to stop even very large vehicles. High-security facilities and installations (like military bases and courthouses) cannot allow facility breaches and therefore require final denial barriers. With the ever increasing risk of terrorist attacks, it is imperative these “high-security” locations install a final denial system that will work each and every time. Final denial barriers are an essential component of any perimeter security plan. Images below show examples of Final Denial Barriers.
K12 Defense manufacture and install final denial barriers @ facilities across the globe for over 25 years. Call (480) 898-1272 for a customized solution for your final denial barrier requirements